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General self-sufficiency and survival
Hooray! This is the last one in the whole year of Weekend Homesteading to be free since I started posting. If you’ve been following here since the beginning, you should have the whole set now. If not, they are only .99 each, here, along with several other of the author’s homesteading e-books: Anna Hess's Homesteading E-books
“Twelve months to self-sufficiency! This fully updated second edition of the popular Weekend Homesteader series includes exciting, short projects that you can use to dip your toes into the vast ocean of homesteading without getting overwhelmed. If you need to fit homesteading into a few hours each weekend and would like to have fun while doing it, these projects will be right up your alley, whether you live on a forty-acre farm, a postage-stamp lawn in suburbia, or a high rise.
The April volume includes the following projects: Find room to homestead…Survey your site…Plan your summer garden…Start a no-till garden with a kill mulch…………The second edition has been revised and expanded to match the paperback, with extra photos and feedback from weekend homesteaders just like you, plus permaculture-related avenues for the more advanced homesteader to explore.”
“Back issue No. 127 contains: Jackie Clay shows you how to be comfortable and secure in your life and home even if the economy falters; how to make your own canned bacon; woodstove cooking, part 4 of Building Eric’s House, a 10-part series; healthy, hearty, meatless meals; cooking with a cast iorn stove; build a chicken tractor; growing onions; making a cheesy fish chowder; LED Lighting, part 1 (parts 2 and 3 are in Issue Nos. 128 and 129); Mas Ayoob talks about gun semantics; making small skillet treats; and Dave Duffy comments about California’s missed opportunity to legalize marijuana. Plus, Jackie Clay answers questions about feeding milk to chickens, de-fleaing the chicken coop, speckled and lumpy eggs, molting chickens, old eggs, cracking hazlenuts, canning pork and beans, saving seeds, caring for apple trees, refurbishing cast iron, a Quince tree, preserving dried foods, planning a new homestead, pigweed, making vinegar, bedbugs, and keeping weevils out.”
Apparently very basic.
Deer Hunting Guns And Muzzleloaders
Food and Farming/Gardening
High reviews. Includes sourdough (I don’t know what kind.)
True Accounts
Tribute to author’s soldier father
Nature Survival and other Hardship
“Two fathers form a plan to set their sons free to become self-reliant at an isolated camp site owned by Mathew located on a river in the back country of Alberta, Canada. The boys are faced with living in the wilderness by themselves, without any communications or electricity, and facing their issues alone with no adult supervision. Can they endure weeks and weeks of such solitude? There are lessons to be learned...the hard way.”
Politics, Terrorism, and Intrigue/Conspiracy
American Myth: 2012
“With the election as a backdrop, 2012 weaves through an Iranian Crisis, an investigation into moles and corruption in the FBI, Congress and corporate America. Beller addresses many real events and people who are part of current events for the USA during 2012, while also creating many interesting fictional characters.”
“A Russian politician and high level Western Oil Executive have been assassinated within minutes of each other. Their murders become inadvertently linked through the everyday work of an oil analyst, Jonathan Marshall. A leak of Jonathan’s work causes consternation at the highest levels of Governments, business and beyond, sparking deployment of assassins and agents to silence the source and prevent the uncovering of global corruption in the oil industry. With his life in danger, Jonathan battles to discover the truth and stay alive…”
Collapse, Post-Apocalypse, Speculative Futures
“In the year 2035, race, religious and ethnic wars had engulfed the entire world. They had been so devastating and widespread that finding a solution had become a worldwide endeavor. For once untold trillions of the various world’s currencies was spent by governments in order to ensure that the almost collapse of societies could never happen again. The brightest and best thinkers were tasked with coming up with a world wide solution to this seemingly intractable problem. The solution that was put forth and adopted by the world’s leaders called for the gradual phasing out or dilution of all identifiable racial, ethnic and religious groups.”
Radio drama. “Professor Jeff Harman announces live on air, that a comet will devastate north-eastern USA in less than 30 minutes. He has already notified the White House and the President has fled on Air Force One, leaving behind the Vice-President and Major Fenton, the holder of the nuclear codes briefcase. They are unable to contact Air Force One as the President’s toddler son has disabled the communications on the aircraft. When all seems lost, Moses Katinski launches a home-made missile at the comet, but Murphy's Law rules....”
“Former high school teacher Heckel Casey knows how civilization collapsed in this post-apocalyptic world. And he knows who is responsible for the evil that has nearly decimated humanity. His journey across the country slowly reveals that there is a power growing inside of him that is strong enough to confront the evil and eliminate it. ... Encountering attacks from hellish snakes, demonic bikers, violent tempests, not to mention self-doubt, deception and betrayal, Heckel must overcome these ‘bumps’ in the road to lead his companions to the ultimate battle to save humanity.”
“The U.S. economy, and most everything else, has collapsed when a trade war shuts off all U.S. imports. Everything east of the Mississippi River has fallen under the control of ruthless leaders who plans to start their own country. Money has no value but cash crops can be traded for guns. People are forced into labor camps and those at risk scramble to find a pace to hide. All Michael wanted to do when he moved into the north Georgia woods was to hide until he could rejoin his family when it was safe. Then a young girl wanders into his campsite, the first of many to find their way to his camp. She stole his heart and his dog as she made everyone in the camp her friend and in the process became the catalyst that changed everything. When the camp is discovered Michael promises to move the camp to safety. The only way out is west. He must not only risk his life but the lives of many others to keep his promise. There are friendships, betrayals, sacrifice and survival as the camp moves west in search of safety. This novel chronicles this journey, and introduces you to some remarkable people who made the trip.”
Start Price: $9.99 (according to the book watching program I use)
Current Price: $.99
has been free in the past
Thank you for all this information. I'll enjoy reading it....Rusty
ReplyDeleteThank you for coming by and especially for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it! And I'm glad you're getting something from the lists. :)