Today Amazon seems to be having trouble releasing their free promotions for the day. I found only two (see lower down) and one of those was added late to yesterday's too. But in the past days and today I also found two other great free downloads that are available.
I found this HERE, it's originally from the wonderful website, Frugally Sustainable, which I highly recommend, but the offer is via Homeschool Freebie of the Day for today. Sometimes the offers are available for one day, other times for a week or more, there's no good way of telling ahead of time. So click on that first link to follow the download links. (When I did it I didn't have to subscribe, though at first it looks like you might have to. )
The second pdf book, Frugal Clean, is HERE. Again, I don't know how long it will be available for because it doesn't say exactly except for "here today, gone tomorrow. " Homestead Originals (main site link) is another great site with a lot of great articles/ entries. Please check it out.
Now for today's free Kindle books, SO FAR...
I found this one yesterday but missed adding it until later so put it here again today for those who would have missed it yesterday.
I will keep checking through the day, and if more books are released in enough time to add them here, I will. However, we have a milestone family birthday here today so if they come later, it won't be happening!
Thanks for the link.