
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Free books updated Nov 28, 2015

Like yesterday, there is a massive list of Collapse/Post-Apocalyptic books today.  Yesterday, the number of books I checked through was overwhelming, as you can possibly tell from the time of day I was finally done (5:30 p.m. my time).  

       The day before yesterday I ran out of time to check most fiction.  Yesterday I had to skip the main Craft lists that I usually check.  Today, I missed the health lists so that I could catch up on some of the others. 
       As I think about how much time I spend on these for virtually no recompense, and have done for now so many years, I realize even more that in order for there to be some balance in my life, I am going to have to sacrifice some of the things I do for the sake of the others.

       Personally, I don't "buy" any, or barely any, of the home, food, craft, garden, farm, and prepper books any more.  I got so many of them at the beginning, and don't need any more.  If I were to look through just the books I want, to find those I'd like to read myself, they would be the True Accounts and those huge Fiction lists.  

       Right now the idea is just percolating but I will likely be continuing to miss some topics every day so that I can do some others, and still be a decent family member.


The free books listed today have been found to be free in the USA as of this morning.  As always, please double-check the price before you "Buy" your free books as prices can change without notice.  Different countries may have differing pricing.  Please see the tips on using the lists, in the bullet list below.

NOTE NEW paid book link below--suggested reading to help support the blog with a few cents.....


 If you "Like" Prep Utility Vehicle on Facebook I will let you know on those those days when all the non-fiction are done early in the day but the rest won't be done for quite a while, as an extra update.  This way you can get the non-fic as soon as possible.   See link at right to get Facebook updates.



Keep scrolling down for the free lists and tips on using them.

As I wrote in a special post, I spend 3-5 hours daily on finding free books for you, and since March 2013 have been doing this (100-125 hours per month) for almost nothing and can no longer justify this to my family.   

Therefore I am now including the following affiliate links for interesting books chosen for their subject matter and/or many high reviews.  THESE ARE NOT FREE, but some are amazing deals....and if you enjoy getting the free books from the daily lists, it would be wonderful if you could use these links before purchasing anything from Amazon. (It doesn't have to be these books.)

Free lists are after this....

Now in development for film by 20th Century Fox, award-winning CyberStorm depicts, in realistic and sometimes terrifying detail, what a full scale cyber attack against present-day New York City might look like from the perspective of one family trying to survive it.
Mike Mitchell, an average New Yorker working to keep his family together, finds himself fighting just to keep them alive when a string of disasters shreds the world around them...the Internet and communication networks go down...a deadly viral epidemic rages across the country...then a monster snowstorm cuts New York off from the world.
In the chaos, rumors fly about a foreign attack, but even this becomes unimportant as Mike and his family struggle to survive in the wintry tomb of a doomed New York.
"I couldn't put it down...finally shows how dangerous our transition to an interconnected infrastructure has become." - Karic Allega, Joint Cyber Command, US NAVY
CyberStorm is an edge-of-your-seat view into one family's battle for life in a ruined mega-city, with millions of readers voting it into the top-20 of GoodReads in its category. It comes from the mind of Matthew Mather, a leading cybersecurity expert and author of DarknetNomad, and the science fiction series Atopia Chronicles.


Some tips on using the free book lists BELOW:
  • If you're new here, first check all the long-term free books, which are listed in the tab pages above under the blog header.  Continue with next tip below.
  • If you're not new but are back after missing a few days, click on a list link below, then use the sort fields to the right just above the first books on the list, to sort the list by price, low to high. The books that are free should be listed first. You can then go through them all and get all the ones you want that you missed while away. (Reason: as old timers here will remember, prices are subject to change without notice. I will only delete books from the lists as I have large windows of time to check that they're no longer free, which may not be often, hence the need to sort this way.)  Then continue with next tips.
  • Afterwards, for daily visitsI recommend using the sort field to "Sort by: Date Added." (Using "Show: Unpurchased" may seem to make sense but the list might be showing you what *I* have not purchased, and not what *YOU* have not purchased.)
  •  Now keep an eye on the date added, in the right-hand column, so you don't miss all the ones added that day. (The reason is that sometimes I will forget that I added a book the day before and add it will recognize it and think that's the previous day's list and stop there, and miss some books. Also, sometimes I add books late in the day that you'd have missed.) 
  • Keep in mind that Amazon sorting engines are not perfect. If you sort by price, low to high, some are mixed up. At least they were for me. Your mileage may vary. 

Here are the links to the respective lists for free books.  (These are not affiliate links and do not benefit me in any way.)  

(General Preparedness, Survival --original list from 2 years of adding books to it, still with many long-term free books, and also ideas for purchases.  I just started the above new one because this one was full)

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