
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Free books updated July 11, 2013

Today's new books are entered.  Lots of p.a. fiction today.

As always, please double-check the price before you "Buy" your free books.

Free books are found under the tab headings above. (You'll have to go to the actual site if you're reading this on a "feed reader.")  These books have been found to be free in the USA as of this morning. Different countries may have differing pricing.  Please check prices before clicking "buy" to make sure they are still free.

The new books each day are added to the top of each list.  Once you hit the books you saw yesterday, you can stop.  I will delete books as I have time to check they're no longer free.  (This may be never!)  Amazon makes it complicated and time-consuming for me to tell from Canada whether they're free in the US.
Some books that will end up at the bottom of the different lists are long-term free. 

Shared at:  
Natural Living Link-up
Simple Lives Thursday
The Self Sufficient HomeAcre

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing these at the HomeAcre Hop! We look forward to having you back again tomorrow:
