
Monday, February 4, 2013

Free Books Available Feb 4, 2013

Please see above for how to read these books without a Kindle, and the sidebar at right (under the “Follow by Email” button) for a quick explanation of this blog. Have fun getting new books! :) May I suggest that you check daily so you don't miss all those available for only 24 hours?

Many of yesterday's books will still be free, so if you missed checking then, it's still worth a visit, as you may pick up some gems that way.

 If you are coming here on a later date than February 4, please check the most recent list for today's books: Main Page.   (Some of the books below may still be available. Most are free for 1 or 2 days but sometimes they are free longer.)

For the fastest notification of daily posts, please "Like" Prep Utility Vehicle on Facebook.  I will post the link to the latest blog post immediately after publishing it each day.  This should help those who have trouble with different readers and email notification being fast enough.

Great link:
From Gretchen of The Backyard Farming Connection.
First of a 4 part series on Weather and Climate for the Backyard Farmer.
(Also note that she has a free e-book called "The Modern Homestead: A guide to Starting Your Journey" if you subscribe to her blog by email. )

Now for today's free Kindle Books:

Weekend Homesteader: January
Defeat Cancer: 15 Doctors of Integrative & Naturopathic Medicine Tell You How
One Man's Island


General Self-Sufficiency and Survival

Weekend Homesteader: January
”Twelve months to self-sufficiency! This fully updated second edition of the popular Weekend Homesteader series includes exciting, short projects that you can use to dip your toes into the vast ocean of homesteading without getting overwhelmed. If you need to fit homesteading into a few hours each weekend and would like to have fun while doing it, these projects will be right up your alley, whether you live on a forty-acre farm, a postage-stamp lawn in suburbia, or a high rise. The January volume includes the following projects: • Test your garden soil • Bake bread • Awaken your media consciousness • Turn trash into treasures The second edition has been revised and expanded to match the paperback, with extra photos and feedback from weekend homesteaders just like you, plus permaculture-related avenues for the more advanced homesteader to explore.”

Simple Emergency Food Storage

Don't Survive, Thrive! How To Flourish When Disaster or Crisis Strikes.
”Think a crisis or disaster won't hit you? Think Again! Remember 9/11? The Greek budget crisis? Remember the London riots? What about Hurricane Sandy? The fact is that the world has become a much more unpredictable and unsafe place and a crisis can hit anytime...This book prepares you not only to survive but thrive: - How to find food when disaster strikes - Dealing with poison when medical help is not readily available - Preventing heat stroke and exhaustion when 'bugging out' - and many more life-saving tips that could help you and your family...”

Backcountry Skiing - How to Avoid Avalanches and other Hazards - The Truth About Skiing

The Prepper Word Must Die

The Beginners Guide To Bass Fishing Basics And Techniques

Food, Home, and Farming/Gardening

How to Sprout Raw Food: Grow an Indoor Organic Garden with Wheatgrass, Bean Sprouts, Grain Sprouts, Microgreens, and More


31 Ways to Naturally Cure Ovarian Cysts: Easy At-Home Homeopathic Treatments for Ovarian Cysts

Herbs That Heal. Shocking Health Benfits of 30 Spices & Herbs! Specific Remedies For Ailments Included

A Fat Man's Guide To Getting Healthy

Penitentiary Fitness: The Amazing Weight Loss Formula or A Bodyweight Exercises & Workouts Training Program
”When the California Department of Corrections took away their weights, the inmates created an ingenious exercise regimen using their own bodyweight. The push-up and pull-up type workouts enabled them to develop sleek, muscular physiques remarkably similar to those of Olympic gymnasts….”

The Minimalist's Guide to Fitness: Intermittent Fasting, High Intensity Training, and Much More

Balance Basics: A Simple Guide to Mastering Balance

Were Crackers Making Me Fat? How A Paleo Diet Is Changing My Life...! (Paleo diet for beginners)

Defeat Cancer: 15 Doctors of Integrative & Naturopathic Medicine Tell You How

Vitamin D Diet: Benefits of Vitamin D for Optimal Health

Beating Asthma. Seven Simple Principles
Check price: not free everywhere.


From the Ops Center to Industry, Military Flag Officers, Now Business Execs, Talk Leadership

A Professional's Guide to Decision Science and Problem Solving: An Integrated Approach for Assessing Issues, Finding Solutions, and Reaching Corporate Objectives (FT Press Operations Management)

The Cerebellum: Brain for an Implicit Self (FT Press Science)
FT Press


Energised: An Introvert's Guide to Effective Communication

The Rules of Parenting
FT Press

Thorns in the Heart: A Christian's Guide to Dealing with Addiction


Don't Lose Your Home Over It!

Education (Self, Home, School)

Parents Who Love Reading, Kids Who Don't: How it Happens and What You Can Do About It.

A Treatise on Education Public, Private, and Homeschooling

Guitar Instruction For The Not So Serious Guitar Player (Learning Guitar Without Learning To Read Notes Or Formal Tabs)

Easy As Anatomy Basics (Easy As Human Anatomy)

Level 1 Sight Words - 100 Sentences with 50 Word Flash Cards! (Easy Peasy Reading & Flash Card Series)

Essential Sight Words Level I - Introductory Readers (Set of 8 books) (Learn to Read Books)

Music For Kids And Adults (Music For Kids And Adults Book 3)

The Chicago Testing Survival Guide

Basic Concepts in Graduate Level Organic Chemistry I: Overview

True Accounts

Islands in the Snow: Climbing Nepal's trekking peaks (Footsteps on the Mountain travel diaries)

Elbrus, My Waterloo (Seven Summits Quest)

Life In Two Centuries
”Born in the year 1934 this book is the story of my life from living through the wartime years 1940 to 1945 to the present day, It is also a comparison of how life was generally lead 60 to 70 years ago with lifestyles today. The differences are vast, both in the sense of daily activities, morality, relationships, standard of living and future outlook.”

BESET: A Desperate Search for Happiness in Times of Crisis
”Besieged with universal wallops and cosmic coshes, Lee tries to come to terms with his autistic son’s worsening condition while finding himself knee-deep in divorce, unemployment and financial disaster. He’s a man in personal crisis, struggling on an island in economic crisis, during the Global Financial Crisis …”

Quite an Undertaking: Violet Guymer's Story - True Tales from the Mortuary
Being a mortician in an isolated town without running water, little technology--may have some interesting insights for this sort of challenge.

Tanks for the Memories: An Oral History of the 712th Tank Battalion in World War II


Nature Survival, War, and other Hardship

The Chaos of Days
”The brink of a new millennium: Global economies boom at unprecedented rates and then tumble into recession. Headlines scream new scourges and epidemics abroad. Social problems run rampant. Old industries struggle to stay afloat while new companies fly on the wings of fresh technologies. Taxes, pollution, job cuts, and a world spinning out of control. Everything is moving so fast. How is a simple family man supposed to cope? And how is he supposed to keep his family together?...”

Last Chance
”Sam lives with his mother and little sister in a city almost destroyed by war. He is convinced there is hope of a future for them if he can just persuade his mother they must leave the relative safety of their home and take the chance of journeying through the hills - home to dangerous gangs, in search of a new home.”

Collapse, Post-Apocalypse, Speculative Futures

One Man's Island
”Just home from Afghanistan, Sergeant Major Tim Flannery’s personal life is in shambles. He’s always been able to make the right decisions in tight spots, but waking to find the entire Earth’s population dead from an unknown calamity from the cosmos, he’s forced to make the hardest decisions of his life. Follow him across a Continent, then an Ocean to find his fate, and to see if one man can change the world, make a difference and save humanity once and for all…”

”The population of Earth has been wiped-out by a virus. Billions are dead and time is running out for those few still alive. Jack and Sara, two survivors, have come up with a bold plan to save humanity but the plan is risky. They want to bring a sample of the virus to the scientists living aboard the International Space Station. The ISS crew is not infected and they believe their combined expertise would make it possible to find a cure…”

Short story, good review. ”A scientist discovers what appears to be a climate cooling trend. This is contrary to the overwhelming evidence that the climate has been warming for some time, and that human activities, such as the emission of greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels, are a major cause of such warming. At first, the cooling trend is dismissed as a temporary blip without any long term effect on the previously established warming trend. But as the evidence of a colder climate keeps accumulating, more aggressive scientific investigations are launched….”

More Sci-Fi-or-Fantasy-ish

The Covert Academy
”In the late 21st Century, the world’s governments have collapsed and mob rule sweeps the planet. A group of so-called experts, known as the Confederacy, assume control. When they unleash thousands of unmanned killing machines on the rioters, the conflict ends, yet the majority of the populace remain destitute under the watchful eye of the drones…” See link for rest of plot.

Socialpunk (Socialpunk #1)
Check price—not free everywhere. ”Ima is just a teenage girl trying to make it in The Dome, an encapsulated, 5-mile radius of downtown Chicago that remains after natural disaster has overtaken most of the earth. When she meets a hooded figure named Vaughn at a party, he takes her on a whirlwind escape that jolts her from her current reality into Silicon City, where humans are upgraded, currency is clout, and bionic eyes are the only way to get information among the glass and metal spiraling buildings that dot the skyline. Oh, and the year is 2198, not 2052 like she thought it was…”

Just Reading

Secret Murder: Who Shall Judge?
”Where (this book) truly succeeds…is in world-building. The author does a wonderful job of painting this alternate history, where Europeans have fled a little early to America after the Norse discovery. The result is a richly-detailed world, part Viking, part English, part early colonial, that serves as a beautiful blend of the three. The descriptions are lush, echoing the times, drawing the reader into this world; they evoke the smell of campfires and horses and damp meadows, the sweet taste of mead, the touch of leather and iron and stone. Religions and cultures blend in that curious way that tended to happen in the early Dark Ages; it is the clash of those cultures that form the title of the book.”

Journey on the Hard Side of Miracles
”We had been WARNED, but we had only wanted to serve God. The truth was that not one person had a clue what would actually happen when we first boarded that tired old bus. With two hundred easy miles to our destination, there was little cause for concern. Yet somehow, despite every effort, our humble band of Jesus People never got there—and we never really found our way home. Wandering for years, and struggling deep on the hard side of miracles, we knew we must not turn back, for every mountain climbed, every desert crossed, every dark valley and peaceful place of rest revealed an unseen Traveler, the One to whom the journey belonged. …”
Christian true story. Many high reviews.

This post shared at:
Homestead Barn Hop #97
Make the Scene Monday #60
Too Much Time On My HandsNatural Living MammaMixitupThe Chicken ChickLilyWhite

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention here! I meant to tell you that I've gotten a few books off your list over the last few weeks! It is such a fabulous resource! Thanks again.

