
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Free Books Available Feb 17, 2013

The first Preparedness Fair is running now and has several GREAT posts on it.  Check the link below to see them and hopefully learn something new.

I KNOW that of the hundreds of readers here, there are bound to be a number of writers too---please don't wait for someone else to do it--join in and share!
Please see above for how to read these books without a Kindle, and the sidebar at left for a quick explanation of this blog. Have fun getting new books! :) May I suggest that you check daily so you don't miss all those available for only 24 hrs. Many of yesterday's books will still be free, so if you missed checking then, it's still worth a visit, as you may pick up some gems that way.
If you are coming here on a later date than February 17, please check the most recent list for today's books: Main Page. (Some of the books below may still be available. Most are free for 1 or 2 days but sometimes they are free longer.)
-----For the fastest notification of daily posts, please "Like" Prep Utility Vehicle on Facebook. I will post the link to the latest blog post there immediately after publishing it each day. This should help those who have trouble with different readers and email notification being fast enough.


Star Clock 
Print out and make a clock that tells the time by the position of stars in the sky. Maybe make some in more sturdy material for your stash. This is probably only good for the northern hemisphere. I found the link at Homeschool Freebie of the Day.

The Arbuckle Cafe: Classic Cowboy Stories
Permaculture Chicken: Incubation Handbook

For Fiction, scroll down…
General Self-Sufficiency and Survival

Get Out of Dodge! Prepping to Leave Your Home and Bug Out During a Disaster (The NEW Survival Prepper Guides)

Bug Out Bag: How to Make the Ultimate Bug out Bag

Crisis Management (The First Responder Series)

Effective Martial Arts Training with No Equipment or Partner: The Master Collection

Food, Home, and Farming/Gardening

Permaculture Chicken: Incubation Handbook
From Anna Hess, author of the Weekend Homesteader.

Vertical Gardening: Designs & Wood Working Plans - Ideas for Organic Gardening & Urban Gardening
”how to build 5 vertical structures with these step by step instructions - Build your very first vertical garden from scratch “

Worm Composting - Woodworking Plans & Worm Bin Ideas for Use in Organic Gardening

A Mummy's Guide to Gardening
“Mummy” as in mother. See link for description.

Edible History: Easy Recipes for Homemade Mother of Vinegar, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Wine Vinegar

What is Stevia? - Benefits for Diabetics, Side Effects, Growing Stevia, Recipes with Stevia

Feltmaking Basics


Power of Vitamin D New Scientific Research Links Vitamin D Deficiency to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Kidney Disease, Fibromyalgia, ... Diseases, Dental Problems and Depression.

Natural Anti-Aging: Formulas for Looking Younger at Every Age (Beauty For You)

Heal Yourself Naturally: with Turmeric

Bipolar Type 2: Creating The RIGHT Bipolar Diet & Nutritional Plan (Bipolar Survival Guide)



Adult ADHD / Adult ADD (CJ's Story): Strategies and Life Lessons That Helped Me Cope Successfully With ADD

No, Never Alone: "I Promised"
”a book created to challenge America to look into the mirror of their old age, a reality check of what it to come. By changing our behavior today, we may change how our children and grandchildren care for us tomorrow, God's way or Hitler's way! …“

Evolution of War: A Brief Psychology of Social Conflict (conflict resolution)

Mayan Calendar Prophecies| Part 4: The 2012 Prophecy

Amazing Matilda
”Inspire the Kids in Your Life to Meet Challenges with Patience and Persistence!”

Education (Self, Home, School)

Non-Kindle Freebie:  In The Days of the Guild

Teaching Philosophy

Teaching Humanities

Teaching Literature

Teaching English Literature: a twelve-week lesson plan

The Birkenbihl Approach: Brain Friendly, Accelerated Language Learning

DICTIONARY OF Similes AND Metaphors -Fourth edition

Pocket English in 70 lessons
”Can four years of high school English be assembled in 70 simple lessons that fit in your pocket? Read on! This handy guide, written by a high school English teacher, covers the essential points, with examples. Topics include: mechanics, spelling, vocabulary, parts of speech, parts of a sentence, SAT usage, foreign expressions, common idioms, literary terms, composition, MLA formatting, and a supplementary section with short synopses of all Shakespeare's plays and classic novels. Concepts are explained in clear, simple language without overloading the reader with grammatical minutiae or unnecessary elaboration.”

Adam the Little Airplane's Big Alphabet Book

The Science of Modern Administration-II (A Text Book for University Students)

Writing Advice for Teens: Creating Stories

Columbia Common Sentence Structure Mistakes at GRE
Teaching English Abroad: "A How to Guide"
Columbia Common Sentence Structure Mistakes at TOEFL
Columbia English Grammar for LPI
Columbia Common Sentence Structure Mistakes at LPI
Franklin 1853 Most Difficult GRE Words (GRE Vocab Builder)
Columbia Common English Usage Mistakes at IELTS
Columbia English Grammar for TOEIC
Columbia English Grammar for GMAT
Columbia English Grammar for ACT
Columbia English Grammar for IELTS
Columbia English Grammar for SAT
Columbia English Grammar for TOEFL
Columbia Common English Usage Mistakes at TOEFL
Columbia Common English Usage Mistakes at ACT
Columbia Common English Usage Mistakes at SAT
Columbia English Grammar for PSAT/NMSQT
Columbia Common Sentence Structure Mistakes at IELTS
Columbia English Grammar for GRE
Columbia GRE Rhyming Memory Dictionary
Columbia GMAT Rhyming Memory Dictionary
Columbia ACT Rhyming Memory Dictionary
Columbia IELTS Rhyming Memory Dictionary
Columbia TOEFL Rhyming Memory Dictionary
Columbia Common Sentence Structure Mistakes at SAT
Columbia Common Sentence Structure Mistakes at ACT
Columbia Common English Usage Mistakes at GMAT
Columbia Common Sentence Structure Mistakes at GMAT
Columbia Common English Usage Mistakes at GRE
Columbia Common English Usage Mistakes at LPI

CLASSROOM ON THE WEB: Math, Algebra, Geometry and Pre-Calculus Tutorials & Games for Grades K-12
Links to all those things.

Mind Hurdles: Grade 2: 150 Interactive Questions and Answers That Stimulate Learning


how to draw biblical stories - noah's ark (step by step) (how to draw comics and cartoon characters)

True Accounts

Going to Antarctica
“Told from the perspective of a global adventurer, Going to Antarctica provides a delightful mix: on the one hand, practical travel tips, suggestions and advice; and, of course, the anecdotes, colorful descriptions, and stories that made the journey so memorable. The excursion follows the ship as it navigates through the Drake Passage. Then the team sets out on land, through the wilderness, and encounters the wildlife of the southernmost desert in the world. The explorers have some amazing experiences along the way, including camping in Antarctica. …”

The Tenacious Spy: The Story of William Morris Jones

Ghetto Medic: A Father in the 'Hood

The Arbuckle Cafe: Classic Cowboy Stories
”Anytime a cowpuncher brewed a cup of java, the "Arbuckle Cafe" was open for business. Rain or shine, both friend and stranger were welcome to a hot steaming cup of coffee and a good story or two. Arbuckle's Ariosa coffee was the preferred drink of the range, and many a waddie warmed himself with the buckaroo brew before a long night guard with the dogies. Val FitzPatrick (the author) was a cowboy with the famous Two Bar outfit in northwest Colorado. "The Arbuckle Cafe" tells what it was really like to be a cowpuncher on one of the West's last frontiers.”
High reviews!

Ernest Briggs & The Great War : Part Four : Legacy

Follies of a Navy Chaplain


Nature Survival, War, and other Hardship

Wings of Angels

”Through the perspective of soldiers in the Minnesota National Guard, both at home and in Iraq, Dan Nygard’s Rounds takes you on a psychological journey into the soldier’s virtual foxhole, those walls of silence against a world filled with trite attempts to communicate. Within this trench, the soldier has said all that he can figure out, and it’s where he burrows when he returns home to a land that has become foreign to him in ways he can’t explain and be understood. “

Amazing Matilda
”Inspire the Kids in Your Life to Meet Challenges with Patience and Persistence!”

Politics, Terrorism, and Intrigue/Conspiracy

Night of the Predator
”powerful story of a family fighting for survival in a land on the brink of apocalypse…Sweeping from the boardrooms of Johannesburg, to the wilds of Botswana, from secret cabals in the townships to ex-Nazi hideouts, 'Night of the Predator' is a fast-paced thriller of terrifying topicality.”

The Last Conspiracy
”Kit Hennessey, a British agent operating in the new-Nazi underworld of Europe, comes across a goth girl named Tilly Herkup who knows some very unusual people, even by Kit's standards. He follows the trail on which she leads him from a religious agitator in Brussels to an even more ominous circle in Venice. They seem to be developing high tech, not for theft but for murder. And when he begins to grasp the global scale of their ambitions, he realizes he's uncovered, not crime, but Apocalypse. In a breathtaking chase to stop them, Kit, like the rest of humanity, is swept along a calamitous tide of natural disaster and man-made evil. It's the Apocalypse in real time. Our time.”

Paraffin Man
”The explosion of a dirty bomb in the Philippines built from materials stolen from the United States triggers an ambitious Senator’s hunt to find a scapegoat. …several nuclear physicists working on a suitcase bomb turn up dead years after being let go from the Atomic Energy Commission. They have two things in common. Years earlier, these scientists worked on the Paraffin Man project, and they have details of the project in their possession. One of these scientists has ample motives to scrub the nation’s nuclear program. Did the investigator hide crucial information that would fall into enemy hands? Why did her investigation die?”

Collapse, Post-Apocalypse, Speculative Futures

Winter in July
Nuclear missiles, weather changes, government cover ups. “The doomsday clock is ticking. It will reach midnight.” “Kirby, Lisa and the other characters are everyday people involved in a fight for their lives as they prepare for the end of the world.”

State of Refuge
”In a post-American world, where an oppressive global gov-ernment blankets all of humanity, the entire prison system has been dismissed in favor of an ungoverned region of forced exile. Commonly called the State of Refuge, the convicts within its boundaries must fend for themselves amidst the violence and anarchy if they hope to survive. When seventeen-year-old Derek Vaskez is wrongly sentenced there, he finds himself caught up in a conspiracy much larger than he could ever imagine. He alone pos-sesses something that many ruthless people are searching for and would kill to obtain—something so valuable that it could change the entire world as he knows it.”

A Tough Man
”'A Tough Man' is a work of Extreme violence and Coarse language. Non-stop action from the first word to the last. A different reading experience. This short story is based in a post apocalypse setting of my novel 'Hard Roads'. Unlike my novels, this short is written in a very southern dialect. It is the story of a man who lives his life according to his own rules. He is a tough man.” By author of Hard Road.

Sami (Water Worlds)
”It’s been almost a century since the sky fell and the world broke apart in a day, and still the people spent their whole lives underground, either in the Five Tunnels, or in the caves, shielded by living stone.” For storyline, see link.

The Information Thieves
”takes place in the same fiction "universe" as Raft People, but about a generation later. Houston's under water, Tokyo's a floating city, and everybody's keeping secrets!... Explore a realistic future history where thousands live in exploding and evolving tent cities while elite scientists spend millions on secret cloning experiments to bring alive men from the past and the future. Millions enjoy cheap energy but the price may be the horrible death of a few - and nobody is supposed to know. The Information Thieves is a young adult to adult science fiction adventure story. The book should appeal to fans of cyber-punk, science fiction, , dystopian fiction, apocalyptic novels, future history, alternate history, and family adventures.”

”The world will end on August 22, 3100. August 10, 3100. A dangerous ideology has spread across the globe. Touted as the salvation for all, a bold new plan is set to commence in twelve days, with the promise of creating a complete and lasting peace for all the peoples of the world. But only a few know the truth of this plan, and how it will bring forth a cataclysmic event unmatched by any disaster in history. And of these few, only President John Renton can do anything to stop it. But very powerful and corrupt people support the plan, and they will do whatever they can to stand in his way, even if it means innocent people have to die.”

See also The Last Conspiracy under previous heading.

Jeremiah Terrorist Prophet (Jeremiah Trilogy)
First of trilogy. “In this first book of a trilogy, Jeremiah, who claims to be a modern-day religious prophet, begins killing the "evil ones"--pedophiles, bullies and rapists, prison inmates, stock market manipulators and crooked politicians. At the same time, he progressively publishes on the Internet a new book of the Christian Bible revealed to him by God. It demands strict adherence to God's commandments: "Obey or die!" is the general rule. Jeremiah urges his followers to create a "New America" in the Dakotas, where believers will implement God's revised plan for mankind.”
New America (Jeremiah Trilogy)
Book 2 ”Jeremiah, a self-styled, modern-day prophet, inspires millions of his followers to move to New America, a utopian colony centered in South Dakota and surrounding states. They buy land, establish businesses, create new cities and take over the machinery of government--including the National Guard and State Police. With financing from abroad, Jeremiah's mercenary army seizes a fleet of stealth bombers and occupies a nuclear power plant near Washington, D.C. Jeremiah's demand that the federal government recognize New American as an independent state creates a military and constitutional crisis. “
The Inheritors (The Jeremiah Trilogy)
Book 3 and conclusion. “Jeremiah the Terrorist Prophet has developed a genetically engineered, virulent variation of the flu virus, and found the perfect delivery vehicle--the hundreds of millions of migratory birds that circle the globe each year. His followers, including dissident military units and sympathizers from all around the world, have received a vaccine and stand ready to reestablish Eden after the "earthly garden" is weeded… “

There is One of Everything in the World
Youth. ”Many years after flooding wipes out most of the life on Earth, Haiyugen and his son, Baboogen, are lost at sea. The island they come from has the last remaining people in the world on it, but the ocean is immense and their island is like a drop of water in it. Will they ever see their family and friends again? The father and son set out on an epic adventure to make their way home that will give them enough stories to last a lifetime.”

Above with Sci-Fi or Fantasy Elements

A Cold Black Wave
”The USC Westbound carries the last remaining survivors of the human race. After nearly twenty years searching for a new home or signs of intelligent life, an incurable virus spreads on the ship and threatens to kill mankind once and for all. In a desperate attempt to save the human species, two immune teenagers are put into cryostasis and sent into deep space. When they finally awaken, the sins of mankind's past haunt them and threaten, one way or another, to kill them both and forever close the chapter on our existence.“

Highway saucer
Short story.
”An Oregon state trooper, while patrolling a dark desolate highway, is beamed aboard a strange craft, where his mind is probed by creatures that are here to warn him about the potential catastrophic fate of the earth.”

Just Reading

The Champ
”This is the story of Wilber Patorkin. At the tender age of one hundred and fifteen he's the oldest man alive in the United States of America. His body is failing him gloriously, his legs will barely carry him, his quivering lips and dentures turn his words into meaningless babble... and yet he has the clearest brain and the brightest eyes you'll ever come across. His steps may be tiny, but his story is epic. His words may be few, but his mind goes beyond your wildest imagination.”

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