
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Free Books Available Jan 20, 2013

Please see the poll at the right! And please leave a comment if there’s a type of book you’d like to see that I don’t usually list.
Please see above for how to read these books without a Kindle, and the sidebar at right (under the “Follow by Email” button) for a quick explanation of this blog. Have fun getting new books! :) May I suggest that you check daily so you don't miss all those available for only 24 hours?

If you are coming here on a later date than January 20, please check the most recent list for today's books. Main Page

(Some of the books below may still be available. Most are free for 1 or 2 days but sometimes 
they are free longer.)


General Self-Sufficiency and Survival

Weekend Homesteader: March
”Twelve months to self-sufficiency! This fully updated second edition of the popular Weekend Homesteader series includes exciting, short projects that you can use to dip your toes into the vast ocean of homesteading without getting overwhelmed. If you need to fit homesteading into a few hours each weekend and would like to have fun while doing it, these projects will be right up your alley, whether you live on a forty-acre farm, a postage-stamp lawn in suburbia, or a high rise. The March volume includes the following projects: • Plant a spring garden • Grow edible mushrooms • Attract native bees • Learn to enjoy what you've got The second edition has been revised and expanded to match the paperback, with extra photos and feedback from weekend homesteaders just like you, plus permaculture-related avenues for the more advanced homesteader to explore.”

Survival Tin for Every Situation

Food, Home, and Farming/Gardening

The Gardeners HQ Guide to Growing Garden Annuals

How to Start Your Own Gardening Business

How To Grow Roses

How to Make Probiotic Drinks for a Raw Food Diet: Kefir, Kombucha, Ginger Beer, and Naturally Fermented Ciders, Sodas, and Smoothies

Brewing Beer: Problems (Troubleshooting Your Home Brew)

Cook What You Have A Guide to the Lazy Garden and the Lazy Kitchen

Your Family Legacy - How to Create a Cherished Family Gift
”Not only are you shown how to interview family members, collect photos, and build a book of mementos for your own family, you are quite literally shown a business in a box, The author takes you by the hand for a step-by-step tutorial of a potentially lucrative endeavor.”


How to Support Someone with Breast Cancer

Harnessing The Power Of Protein (Losing Weight and Building Muscle Through "Smart" Nutrition)

Cayenne Pepper Cures (Miracle Healers From The Kitchen)

New Hope for Alcoholism Recovery: Beat the Bottle

Wishing to go home
”I have written this book for when I grow old; ...for my children and grandchildren so they’ll know what to do when the time comes; ...for all my friends whose parents are ageing  ...for every single family. And it is for every single (person) caring for the aged, matter what your job. It is to provide you all with some understanding of those affected by memory loss / dementia and who cannot communicate normally with you. I want to give you some insight into some behavioural changes that may occur as a result of memory loss or dementia and to offer some tips for you to help you deal with the process; the illness.”


Leading And Managing With Emotional Intelligence

What On Earth Is Happening? Signs Of The End Times

Chivalric Identity of Medieval Knighthood: Impact upon Our Cultural Imagination Today

Education (Self, Home, School)

Math as a Creative Process: Using Arts, Crafts, and Cooking to Decipher Math Concepts

Before the Snow Flies - Lando Banager's Tales of a Woodland Project Manager
teaches children about “project management” (isn’t that another term for effectiveness and/or responsibility?

Sight Word Sentences Lesson 3: 5 Sentences Teach 20 Sight Words with Flash Cards (Learn to Read Sight Words)

Pursuing a Career as an Online Teacher

Franklin SAT Vocab Builder: 4058 SAT Words For High SAT Score

True Accounts

Working In The Northwest Woods
“In this first-hand account of a decade spent in the outdoors in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest, we are taken on a tour of life inside the United States Forest Service when, as a first year seasonal, a young man who has spent his life in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri is transported to the Cascades. Follow him as he learns his way around the rugged terrain of the big timber country. From personal narrative of his initial experiences to gripping accounts of encounters with wild weather, wild fire and wildlife, the author takes you on a journey into the backcountry. Read about being face to face with bears, dodging lightning bolts and being surrounded by wildfire. These are stories telling of a life that is growing harder and harder to find in our mechanized and technological world. This book is a terrific summary of what it is really like to live your life on the outside.”

Views from the Hills : an illustrated country diary : Volume 2 : 2012
The second book (2012(; the first (2011) was listed here free on Jan 8 and other times also. "Shut out the modern, clamorous world for a moment, and this is what you experience - the natural world at its most fascinating. Tony Holkham's classically descriptive countryside diary is easy reading, and at the same time thought-provoking and amusing.. He sees things many people miss in their hectic lives, yet explains how a sense of wonder at these marvels is the way to reduced stress and increased pleasure....Threaded through this pleasant meander through the seasons of a year in one of the especially beautiful areas of Wales are the exploits of Tony's Jack Russell terrier, Sparky, who makes everyone laugh with his love of life; this in itself is an example to all who struggle to live in, and make sense of, this unsettled world. "

Masshole to Mainah-Part Deux
Part one was listed yesterday. “whimsical adventures of moving from busy Southeastern Massachusetts to the wilderness of Maine with her daughters. There is some sad and heart wrenching blogs mixed in just for the variety that her life seems to be. The blogs are of how a suburban Mom learned how to be a farmer in the mountains and how she began to make her dream of becoming a novelist a reality. In this collection of blogs are her struggles, interpretations of the cultural differences she moved to and how she learned to overcome obstacles that seemed to have constantly been thrown in her path. “

Jam Tomorrer
“tells of the hardships suffered and borne by the working class people in Britain, of the advent of war and its affect on their everyday lives…” and much more

Separated at Stavropol
”Nadia Stakhanova was forced to flee Russia during World War II with her husband and children. The couple made the wrenching decision to leave one of their four children, five-year old daughter Natasha in the care of her grandparents. Only in 1970s was the family able to re-establish contact and be reunited…”

In the Failing Light: a memoir of love and cancer


Nature Survival, War, and other Hardship

Train to Nowhere
”approximately 52 pages. In 1967, while millions in China are unfairly persecuted because of their livelihood or heritage, others join the Cultural Revolution to pledge allegiance to a leader who is considered a legend to some and a tyrant to others. Mao's revolution is sweeping across the country, leaving many competing to show their loyalty with actions that will leave scars for decades. Even more traumatic than the destruction of art, books, and historic architecture, families are torn apart as they struggle to find a way to survive the upheaval. Ling, a sheltered and devoted daughter, is forced to join the feared Red Guards, a strategy concocted by her mother to ensure her protection. But for this scheme to work, Ling must hold her secrets close and trust no one. Her journey has only just begun when she is faced with a moment of truth that will impact the future she has unwillingly chosen on the Train to Nowhere.”

Bear Park (Terror / Mayhem)
”A surprise thunder and lightning storm knocks out the power on what had been an idyllic day at a Montana bear preserve, trapping the Camber Family in Bear Park. Suddenly, what was never supposed to happen, happens and the family of four find themselves fighting for their very lives against the jaws and slashing claws of a renegade grizzly behemoths. “

Public Information
”Twenty-year-old Wylie Cypher accidentally finds himself in the raging conflict of the Korean War in 1953. As he sits in a latrine considering his misfortune, a bomb explodes nearby. His only thought is, should he survive this moment, how will he make it through a sixteen-month tour of duty alive?”

There Comes a Season: Stories of War and Peace Volume 1

Two Souls Journey
"The state motto of Kansas is, Ad Astra Per Aspera: To The Stars With Difficulties. No one knew the meaning of those words better than the pioneers who settled the land. They were hardy people, full of hope and endurance....teenagers Anna and Josiah Bent marry and travel to Independence, Kansas to take advantage of the Homestead Act. After finding the perfect plot of land, they set out to make it their own. Robberies, explosions, and loss of life test their faith in each other and their ability to make a new life. But with God’s help they endure and plant their roots deep into Kansas soil. ``

Politics, Terrorism, and Intrigue/Conspiracy

A Place Unknown
terrorism; see link for detailed plot

A Whisper of Armageddon (A techno Thriller, inspired by the great Lee Child and James Patterson)
”Intelligence has discovered that a highly skilled team of professional assassins has arrived in London, with only one purpose: to assassinate the President of the United States …Harry does what snipers do best: target people head-to-head. But this time the rules have changed and spiral out of control as a biological weapon is about to go off and take the world to the next level of terror. “

Bernie Minihan's Dilemma
international terrorism (sleepers) “The face of terror is not always shown in burning buildings and murders of innocents. More frequently, terrorism bares its head in its ability to support the quiet groups throughout the world who are waiting for a call to action to perform those task they have been trained to do. INTERPOL, the International Police Agency, the US CIA, FBI, and other similar organizations, banded together in their quest to eradicate terrorism wherever they can, have formed joint task forces to combat this dangerous and destructive evil. …”

Collapse, Post-Apocalypse, Speculative Futures

Gaia's Tears
”Global warming. Climate change. You can argue about it all you want, but it's coming and you can't stop it as the residents of a small New England town find out in the not-too-distant future. Love, death, hunger and elephants all abound in this surreal tale where God might just be a liquor salesman from Albuquerque.”

The Last Prophet
Religious End of Days fiction. “Supernatural disasters, including a worldwide drought, rivers of blood, massive earthquakes, and a devastating asteroid, testify that the end of the world is at hand.”

The Anaconda Complex
The senator of Texas “is kidnapped on the doorstep of his house …just the beginning of a conspiracy hatched to shake America to its very foundations. …The al-Qaeda kidnapers plan to broadcast live on national TV a show stage-managed to humiliate and terrorize the American public. Publicized on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media on the Internet, the kidnapers' final horrific act performed for their "Theater of Terrorism" aims to wreak havoc, kill thousands of Americans, and precipitate economic collapse in the United States.”

Dust in the Wind
Youth novel; nuclear disaster.

The Outpost: Book 1 of the Nuclear Survivors series
Short story. Youth. “Crayton has always looked forward to the day when he could join the rest of The Outpost in doing daily chores for the good of the community. But his mission goes bad when another colony tries to cheat him and his mentor, Jared, out of a bag of gas-masks. Jared gets shot in the leg and one of the rivals revealed that their colony, the Haefen colony, plans to attack The Outpost. With this in mind Crayton has to deal with bloodthirsty mutants, dirty bandits and an earthquake, all while helping Jared limp back to The Outpost so they can warn the others. “ Since I listed this last in September, the next instalment, The Collapse: Book 2 of the Nuclear Survivors Series is now available also (.99)….”The Outpost is being invaded by another colony for living space. In order to hold them off, the main access tunnel to The Outpost must be collapsed. Crayton has volunteered for this very dangerous mission.“

More Sci-Fi-or-Fantasy-ish

Darkness Falls (The Outage Series)
”In 2179, Hendricks is onboard an alien star ship approaching Earth at many times the speed of light….How did this lone human get on the ship to begin with? And what terrible memories could possibly be locked up in his head? Find out how bad things can get when Darkness Falls.”


Released late in the day, so will be added tomorrow too.
Free Falling
”What happens within hours of settling in to their rural, rustic little cottage in a far-flung spot on the coast of Ireland is an international incident that leaves the family stranded and dependent on themselves for their survival. Facing starvation, as well as looters and opportunists, they learn the hard way the important things in life. Can a family skilled only in modern day suburbia and corporate workplaces learn to survive when the world is flung back a hundred years? When there is no internet, no telephones, no electricity and no cars? And when every person near them is desperate to survive at any cost?”

List Price:$ Previous price:$2.99 (according to the book watching program I use)
Current price: $.99

Just Reading

Redwall (Book 1, Redwall)
The famous book, “packed with all the wit, wisdom, humor, and blood-curdling adventure of the other books in the collection, but has the added bonus of taking the reader right back to the heart and soul of Redwall Abbey and the characters who live there.”

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