
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Free Books Available Dec 30, 2012

I'm excited to tell you that I will soon be posting an extra feature post on long-term-free vintage and out-of-copyright books.  I've actually been working on it off and on over many months.  I thought I would be done by today but there have turned up still more to add.  So I'll continue to work on it over the next few days, and hopefully next Saturday when I've a bit more time to fine-tune it, I'll be able to post it.  SO PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK if you're at all interested in this.

Please see above for how to read these books without a Kindle, and the sidebar at right for a quick explanation of this blog. Have fun getting new books! :) May I suggest that you check daily so you don't miss all those available for only 24 hours?

If you are coming here on a later date, please check the most recent list for today's books. Main Page
(Some of the books below may still be available. I haven't checked specifically. Most are usually 1 or 2 days but sometimes they are free longer.)


General Self-Sufficiency and Survival

Weekend Homesteader: June
”Twelve months to self-sufficiency! This fully updated second edition of the popular Weekend Homesteader series includes exciting, short projects that you can use to dip your toes into the vast ocean of homesteading without getting overwhelmed. If you need to fit homesteading into a few hours each weekend and would like to have fun while doing it, these projects will be right up your alley, whether you live on a forty-acre farm, a postage-stamp lawn in suburbia, or a high rise. The June volume includes the following projects: • Start a compost pile • Build a worm bin • Experiment with seasonings • Calculate your real hourly wage The second edition has been revised and expanded to match the paperback, with extra photos and feedback from weekend homesteaders just like you, plus permaculture-related avenues for the more advanced homesteader to explore.”

The Long-Term Campers Handbook

Trout fishing

First Handgun Boot Camp - Choosing your First Handgun, Handling it Safely, and How to NOT Look Stupid at the Range

Food, Home, and Farming/Gardening

Best of Green Space: 30 Years of Composted Columns
High reviews. “a book of garden advice, and more. For over thirty years, Duane Campbell has been serving up a big dose of humor with his syndicated garden column, "Green Space." He's also a Master Gardener and a teacher of Master Gardeners. Advanced garden technique crossed with Duane's curmudgeonly humor results in practical garden advice and many laughs all through the year. This book was first published in paperback in 2010.”

Apiculture and Beekeeping Simplified

Raising Chickens: Egg Production - Chicken Care Info (How to get the best from your chickens)

The Ultimate Gardening Guide Top Tips:Inspiration and Helpful Advice to Help You Make the Most of your Garden

Homemade Cosmetics: Over 100 Recipes You Can Make at Home

Microgreens: A Beginner's Guide to the Benefits of Cultivation and Consumption

Container Gardening Designs & Woodworking Plans - Volume 1 - Ideas for Organic Gardening & Urban Gardening

100 Year Old Recipes You Can Still Make Today: DRINKS FOR ALL AGES


Get This Body In A Barn: The Milkmaid's Guide To Fitness

Massage : Aromatherapy Massage Sequence & Techniques for Improving Health and Relaxation (Natural Health Remedies)

Games for Kids: 101 Easy Indoor or Outdoor Games for Your Children to Have Fun Require Nothing or Little Equipment for Every Child Aged 3 and Up

The Color of Poop ~ What Our Poop is Telling Us

True Accounts

We Never Lost Hope: A Holocaust Memoir and Love Story

Sleeping in the Homes of Strangers: A Month-Long Journey of Trust


Nature Survival, War, and other Hardship

Alone In The Woods
A plane crashes in the Alaskan wilderness, trying to get Marty home to his wife in labour. “Through the next ten days, Marty experiences danger, depression, and fierce determination, trying to survive to see his first born child. ‘Now I understood what Buck meant by survival being mostly mental,’ he thinks to himself. Injured, bleeding, and battered, Marty endures attacks by wolves, bear, and a wild cat, and nearly drowns in a freezing river. He records his ordeal in his journal as he clings to memories of Robin. The author builds the excitement minute by minute, so that the reader walks each agonizing mile with his hero.”

1929 (Book One)
”the first in an epic trilogy centered in the Great Depression. 1929 follows three couples through the economic collapse of 1929 and their struggles to adjust to a sudden and violent shift in lifestyle. This mammoth novel will take readers to a dark time in American history. A time when so many lost so much and the bonds of love and friendship were the only things that held the fabric of life together. While some say history is now repeating itself with our current economic downturn, 1929 provides hours of entertainment and escape while giving readers a chance to connect and relate to the characters struggles of love, loss and finding hope. “

“A British man, Daniel Moorcroft, disappears in to the Canadian Wilderness. Why has he decided to flee society? What do the strange encounters with the bears and the wolves mean?”…explanation of Daniel’s post-war-traumatic-stress…“As Daniels adventures become increasingly serious it becomes obvious he cannot hide from his past, even in the vast emptiness of the Canadian Wilderness…This is story-telling like it used to be, and at the centre a character who is determined to succeed and to survive.”

Politics, Terrorism, and Intrigue/Conspiracy

“Hidden deep within the annals of American history lies a secret so devastating, it could put an end to the ‘United’ States forever…”

A Nation of Ruins
"Combining an impassioned defense of progressive ideals and liberal Christianity with a gripping near-future legal thriller, A Nation of Ruins presents a vision of a very different world, but one entirely too close to our own for comfort..."

Collapse, Post-Apocalypse, Speculative Futures

The Sun Brings Night
”Join the Geering family as they flee the Invasion of America following a massive solar storm that knocks out power to millions. Civilization is dealt a blow as the Russians and Chinese band together to attack the USA as it reels from a series of high-altitude nuclear explosions, turning off electricity to all of the country. America retaliates, wiping out most of the remaining centers of population. In this horrible new reality, the Geerings must face death, love, loss and uncertainty when they are the target of a daring raid by the invading forces. They must travel far and wide, engaging new friends and enemies in the quest to reuinte with their lost loved ones. Friendships and affairs arise and wane in the dangerous world. The invading forces harbor dark surprises, men engineered to be lethal killing machines. And the commander of the opposition wants to oversee the re-making of America. Follow the Geerings on this exciting and twisting adventure into an uncertain future.”

Just Reading

Escape To The Country
”Leah is accused of a crime she didn't commit. Dumped by Adam, the man she planned to marry, she escapes to Aunt Jayne's smallholding in the Kent village of Winkleigh Marsh. Heartbroken and homeless, she strives to clear her name and deal with her emotions. Jayne treats Leah's unhappiness with herbal remedies, cowslip wine and common sense in equal measure. In return Leah works hard for the delicious home-cooked meals they share. She wrestles with sheep, breaks nails and gets stuck in the mud - learning as much about herself as she does about farming. Soon Leah is happy milking cows, mucking out pigs and falling halfway in love with Duncan, a dishy tractor driver. Back in London, steps are being taken to investigate what's happened to the missing money. It looks as though the real embezzler must soon be unmasked and Leah will have to chose between resuming her old life or starting a new one. That's when her problems really start.”

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