
Friday, November 9, 2012

Free Books Available Nov 9, 2012

Please see above for how to read these books without a Kindle, and the sidebar at right for a quick explanation of this blog. Have fun getting new books! :) May I suggest that you check daily so you don't miss all those available for only 24 hours?



General self-sufficiency and survival


Food, Home, and Farming/Gardening

”This transcript of the award winning DVD, Day on the Organic Farm contains over 60 pages of information on green architecture, how the Native Americans foraged for food, understanding your trees, composting, “planting by the sisters,” organic farming, year-round solar energy, bee keeping and organic cooking. “

19 Christmas preserving recipes for experienced canners.


The one negative review says this is nothing to do with Zen, which for any who don’t like Zen, will be a good thing! 


”It seems that each time the crisis is inevitable, another Band-Aid is applied to the gushing hole-filled dike, and the can gets kicked a little further down the road to an even larger economic collapse. You know, to a place a bit beyond what they already have a term for - `fiscal cliff’. Or, is the `cliff’ going to be more like a quicksand?

See its extensive list of topics. There is a lot of good content in here. The formatting style is odd, each sentence is its own paragraph, almost like a collection of proverbs, which I find a bit annoying, but am reading anyway because of the content. One subject here that I haven’t seen addressed in my 8 months on survival websites is international travel and relocation (not that it isn't anywhere, but I haven't seen it.)

True Accounts

“At the age of 17, Heidi has to enroll in the German Army and leave her family home in Austria. She has no idea if she would live to see her parents again. Her youth is spent under the dark sky of the Second World War and its endless dangers. Under the enormous pressure of the army’s rules, the bombings and the continuous fear for her life, Heidi does not give up on the hope for a normal life. She looks for friendship, compassion, and love in a world that had lost its human values. Many times she asks herself the same frightening question: would she be able to stay alive? The book is based on a true story of a family whose destiny, as many others’, was to live in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“Already a classic, this book is the brash, unbridled and politically incorrect account of a Marine fighter pilot's actions during Operation DESERT STORM. Impetuosity aside, Stout's account has stood up to challenges from within and outside the Marine Corps. Controversy aside, Stout provides plenty of action and accurate descriptions of tactics and combat that have stood the test of time. At the same time he provides a self-effacing picture of his own performance, a factor that makes this work that much more credible and readable. A "must read" for anyone interested in air combat.”

Word use error that resulted in the poor review has been corrected.

Borderline relevance to this blog but looks like a quality book, interesting for Boomers and not quite Boomers. If you come here after the free offer and buy it, 10% of profits go to a veterans charity.


Politics, Terrorism, and Intrigue/Conspiracy

“California appears to want to secede from the United States. Multiple malefic forces plot and maneuver for nefarious purposes. Good and resourceful people are caught in the storm and must make the best of a confused and dangerous situation. Continuous action keeps the reader interested, and unexpected (and unexpectable) turns prevent guessing the final disposition.” From review.

“A tragic and puzzling medical case is the first clue to the presence of a deep-cover terror consortium.”

Collapse, Post-Apocalypse, Speculative Futures

“The year is 2075, and the vast majority of humanity is dead. The global outbreak of a new strain of virus wiped out over 99% of the population. The lone hope rests on the slim, unready shoulders of Dr. Justin Kaes and a small team of specialists from the Center for Disease Control. The researchers have discovered a cure for the plague in the blood of a cantankerous 102 year old. But there’s one minor problem: the old man couldn’t care less whether humanity lives or dies. And he most certainly doesn’t feel like going on a road trip to sunny California. On the way to the coast lie murderous tribes, cults, voracious animals, and the toxic remains of civilization. They face a world gone backwards, technology and industry reduced to rusting garbage. Their mission seems doomed… But there are a few decent souls still out there, citizens of Plaguesville, USA. “

“This short story is based in a post apocalypse setting of (author’s) novel 'Hard Roads'. …. This is a work of Extreme violence and Coarse language. Non-stop action from the first word to the last. A different reading experience. ”

'Rise of the Mutants' is a short novel which highlights some of the likely scenarios Earth will face in the year 2084 unless mankind takes urgent steps to adress these issues. Global warming, extreme weather events, the Sixth Extinction and widepread famine is quite possible by this period. Andoids, Cyborgs and also genetically modified creatures could also feature as part of everyday life in the mega cities of the future. Surveillance of the population using advanced technology, recognition systems and drones is very likely.

More Sci-Fi-or-Fantasy-ish

“A humorous but dark portrayal of politics & politicians in a crisis. … an offbeat eco-political satire set in a world of environmental neglect, political ineptitude, and spiritual bankruptcy. The ensuing, often bizarre, interplay between an alien presence, political chaos, the discovery of a long forgotten ancient place of worship and an awakening of long dormant natural forces provides a fast-paced work of mystery and humor that stretches the imagination at every twist and turn of a story that you will find hard to put down. This is a page-turner for a 21st century in global crisis.”


  1. I very often get free books that you post, you have many that interest me.. and since I've noticed in some of your posts that you are able to collect a small commission if something else is purchased after selecting a book from your site, I figured that when I was browsing amazon tonight for a specific baby carrier.. I'd pop over to your site and go through a link before I made the purchase.. I hope it worked.. It's the least I can do to support a blog that I've come to love:)

    1. Anonymous, I am truly touched by your kindness. It did work. :)

      I hope it's okay that I used your comment in today's post to help explain a little about how it all works. Thank you again. :)


  2. Another great list of free reading. :)

    1. Thank you, Nancy, it's so nice of you to comment, and I hope you are getting some good books for your collection! :)

