
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Free Books Available Nov 27, 2012

Please see above for how to read these books without a Kindle, and the sidebar at right for a quick explanation of this blog. Have fun getting new books! :) May I suggest that you check daily so you don't miss all those available for only 24 hours?

If you are coming here on a later date, please check the most recent list for today's books. Main Page
(Some of the books below may still be available. I haven't checked specifically. Most are usually 1 or 2 days but sometimes they are free longer.).


Food, Home, and Farming/Gardening

The Sustainable Table: Take Back Your Plate (Simplify and Save)

100 Year Old Recipes You Can Still Make Today: HOMEMADE CANDIES

100 Year Old Recipes You Can Still Make Today: DRINKS FOR ALL AGES

Organic Vegetable Growers Guide (invisible Gardener's Organic Gardening Series)

Easy-As Recipes: 14 Day Gluten-Free Meal Plan For Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. (Easy-As Gluten Free Recipes)

Step-by-step Art Deco Dove in Paper Sculpture (Step-by-step Paper Sculpture)

Finding Educational Activities in the Most Unexpected Places: 200+ Activities for Young Children Using Common Household Objects


Overcoming Trauma and Loss in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent's Guide (Dr T's Living Well Series)

Letting Go of Perfectionism: Gaining Perspective, Balance, and Ease (Inner Critic Series)

How To Concentrate Like Einstein: The Lazy Student's Way to Instantly Improve Memory & Grades with the Doctor Vittoz Secret Concentration Technique.
Short. One poor review claims it markets other products but another review debunks that.

How to be an awesome international spy and survive! part 2 (How to be an aweome international spy and survive)

Simple Living: How to simplify your life, live your dream, and retire early

True Accounts

Views from the Hills - An illustrated country diary

Children and Natural Disasters

From Prison Hulk to Three Bedroom Home: Part One of a Family History 1788-1946
Australian settlers’ story

Missing Survivors - Searching for Family Lost During the Holocaust

The Remnant - Stories of the Jewish Resistance in WWII (Boomer Book Series)

Golduke - The Road to the Sun
“A sweeping saga across five generations and 250 years, the story of the family Golduke emerges from the Pale of Jewish Settlement and smothering persecution into a quest for freedom that spans the western world. From the teeming shores of Odessa's harbor, the dangerous journey stretches across the hinterlands of central Ukraine and into the deep woods of eastern Poland, evading Cossacks and pogroms, to the great Polish uprising born of the American Revolution, then becoming entangled in Britain's invasion of the Crimea against Czarist Russia. Emptying into the massive wave of immigration to the United States through Ellis Island, the family struggles up off the impoverished streets of Philadelphia's Devil's Pocket into the frontier of America's Old South…”


Nature Survival, War, and other Hardship

The Good Red Road (The Ray Corngrower series)
Teen. “A tornado hits the small town of Bristow setting off a chain of events, that include not only a confrontation between the Army National Guard and the Creek Nation, but also drives a huge anaconda from the swamps in search of food.”

RUNAWAY TWINS IN ALASKA (Runaway Twins series #2)
“Rachel, Janie, and Justin (trained by his father and uncle as a survivalist) are back--this time in wilderness Alaska where they battle bears, bad guys, and nature's fury. The Prophet of the polygamous cult of Sheba Hill reaches out from prison to have the Lemon twins kidnapped and transported to Whitehorse in the Yukon where he has established his new God's Way Temple. He still considers the girls his double portion from God and he wants them waiting for him when he's released on appeal. And the Prophet pays extra to make certain their companion Justin Patrick, whom he hates for rescuing the twins in Montana's Bitterroot Mountains, is eliminated and buried deep in Alaska's Yuktapah Preserve. A long-dormant volcano explodes; earthquakes gobble up canyons, lakes, and rivers; and grizzly sows and boars make it clear they can't be controlled. The pressure on the three teenagers never lets up. Each time they think they've gained the victory, they encounter new and more difficult obstacles.”

Assignment Prague
“Anton Janak is a dedicated member of the Czechoslovakian Resistance working against the Nazis, and he values anyone who can help his efforts. But when he learns that the young spy sent by the OSS to Prague is a woman, he has misgivings about working with her. He had expected a man—a man who could handle his assignment with the help of Janak and his fellow Resistance workers. It doesn’t take long, however, for Janak to realize the beautiful blonde spy has enough daring and resourcefulness to do what it takes in the occupied city. The Nazis are everywhere, but Tereza’s knowledge of Czech and German allows her to fit right in.…The bond that develops between them can only be destroyed by death, but that’s a real possibility for covert activists in Nazi-occupied Prague.”

Among the Sterling Youth
“An Indiana farm boy desires only to claim his corner of the family farm where he plans to build a cabin, marry his fiancée, and tend his own fields. But news of the war reaches Greene County in April 1861 and the governor calls for volunteers. He is torn between his long held desires and a new patriotic fervor. His best friend pressures him to join, but Carey ultimately passes because he is needed by his father to help on the farm, not to mention the objections of his fiancée…He survives three long years. Finally, by an act of valor, he wins furlough and returns to his beloved farm. He discovers how brutal times can make a man close himself off from the things he loves nearly to the point of choking them out completely. … Among the Sterling Youth is an historical novel set in the time of the American Civil War. It was born out of a family story passed down to us about our great great grandfather. A prisoner of war, his was a story of hard times and suffering, but also of answered prayers and waters of mercy.”

The Island of Two Skulls
“In 1809, shipwrecked orphans try to survive as they face murderous privateers, runaway slaves, revolutions, sea battles, and a greedy captain’s scheme to steal treasure.” Teen.

Cold Lonely Courage
“Madeleine Toche races to the front only to find her brother mortally wounded during the German Blitzkrieg attack on France at the outset of World War II. His death and her rape at the hands of an SS Stormtrooper cast Madeleine down a path of death and violence as her desire for revenge reaches a crescendo. … inspired by the true story of a young Belgian woman who helped countless Jewish children escape from the terrors of the Nazi regime.”

Politics, Terrorism, and Intrigue/Conspiracy

The Celestial Instructi0n
“cyberattack upon the United States by a covert Chinese military cell conspiring with a ruthless high-tech Oregon cult, and its discovery and attempted mitigation by a derailed Silicon Gulch scientist, a Combat Zone MIT shadow lab, and a rootless African boy.”

Collapse, Post-Apocalypse, Speculative Futures

Creators (A Prequel Novella to the Contributor Trilogy)
This is the prequel to the book in yesterday’s list, Contributor (Contributor Trilogy, book 1).
“When the imminent collapse of the world’s food system threatens to all but eradicate the human race, it’s up to nineteen-year-old Liang Zhang to determine which of his company’s employees will live and which will die. Liang and the other Job Creators have only weeks to choose which of their staff and families to move into the domes, the last refuges on the barren planet. Despite their best efforts, the Job Creators are unable to keep their selection project under wraps, spurring violent protests against the privileged few. Now, Liang must race: against starvation, against insurrection, and against his own conscience. “

Fifth Season
Includes short story: “Fifth Season: Duncan was nine years old on 5/5. That was the day the extra season came, barging in between Autumn and Winter. For him, it was the most exciting thing ever! All the rest of the world wanted to know was: when will it end? And how much of the world will end with it?”

More Sci-Fi-or-Fantasy-ish

Aquifer: A Novel
Extraterrestrial crocodilian escapes…”With the destruction of the military and the impending destruction of the citizenry, Clayton and the town folk join together to obliterate the creatures using only the resources available to a backwoods farming community…”

Letters from Callisto
Short. Survival story set on one of Jupiter’s moons.

Shared at:


Growing Home


  1. Hey, It's Dave
    Charcuterie update
    Hi Natalia.
    I made my first sausages this weekend. Need to back off on some spices and get a better smoker but otherwise not too shabby! I must have had 300 feet of hog casings prepped to stuff 5 pounds of meat (didn't know how much was in one pack, so I opened three)! Keep postin' 'em.

  2. Thank you so much for the continued reviews! I think I will collect all your comments about this and put them together some time to post; it may help someone on the same road. Then when I find a charcuterie book I can link back to it.

    That was so funny about the casings I laughed out loud! I couldn't figure out why you'd open all three instead of seeing how long one package was, but I think you have to soak them in advance, right? Sorry that happened to you, but it's a bit of a laugh for the rest of us--and we can learn from that too!

    Thank you again, Dave. :)
