
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Books Available August 26, 2012...and would you consider helping?

Have you enjoyed any of the books you've downloaded from here, or been inspired in some way? Would you consider helping me keep going?

Firstly, I would LOVE to hear about it.  Please let me know!  The other day someone wrote in a post on another site that they had started charcuterie after reading a book they'd downloaded here.  I was so thrilled!  A month or two ago someone else actually did the same thing.  I can't tell you how encouraging that is.*

Secondly, if you sincerely like coming here and find it useful, would you consider recommending this blog as a good resource on any other self-sufficiency, survival, or preparedness website that you frequent?  I would love to get this around more, as it represents quite a bit of time and is a decent resource.  But I really dislike promoting it myself; in fact I don't think I have anywhere yet except for usually weekly mentions on the survivalist blog while talking about other things.  Any help here would be really appreciated.

Thirdly...Over 2 months ago a very kind reader advised me to become an Amazon Associate. I didn't see why right away because I just wrote about free books.  But I found out that if someone clicks on one of my "freebie" links and then goes on to buy something else right away, I get a small referral percentage.  So I started doing that just in case it happened by chance, but didn't mention it because I didn't want to be seen as fishing or pushy.  Over time, little bits started trickling in and it was nice for me, but even more for the family, because once I told them this blog was "making money" they were much more forgiving of the time it was taking.  I didn't mention that it was bringing at most an average of $1 for each hour I spent.  :)  I'm not sure how gracious they would be day after day...after day...after day... if I was that clear about it.  Haha, can you imagine?  Making the long hours worth it to my family is actually my main motivation for writing this.

So, if a link here has inspired you, or say something you see or download reminds you of something missing from your stash or BOB, or a canning tool you needed, or a book you want to read, or something like that, would you please consider making sure you've clicked on one of these links before purchasing that item?

IMPORTANT: I don't want to request Amazon purchases that might take away from supporting other sites that you already do.  If you already like to buy through MD's link because you get so much from that site, please know I'm not asking that you stop.  I get so much from the community there at the survivalist blog and want it to keep going!  But if you download a free book from here about, say, dehydrating, and it inspires you to buy print books about dehydrating, or a banana slicer, or even a dehydrator, would you consider clicking on one of the links in a post here first?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!  I appreciate it!

Because yesterday's post was really late and many may have missed it, I wanted to remind you to check it today if you didn't see it yet.

Now on to today's books:

Secrets of Trout & Bass Fishing Revealed!

Tracking And Recovering Your Deer While Hunting

Effective Martial Arts Training with No Equipment or Partner vol 2: Ageless Flexibility and Joint Mobility

A 10-Acre Permaculture Project: Site planning in the humid subtropics
”This 10-acre project offers an insight into the permaculture planning process. The site is located in southeast Louisiana where the humid, subtropical climate leads to challenges with poor drainage, frequent extreme weather events, invasive plants and soils that are difficult to work with. All of these issues are addressed in the development of this site plan. This is an informational document intended to provide some examples of permaculture practices that can be used in the southeastern US and similar climates. It is best suited for permaculture practitioners and other individuals interested in applying ecologically sound methods to their gardens or farms.”

Prep School: Homemade Yeast & Sourdough Starter

Very minimalist (few recipes, short and simple) Not sure much will be helpful here, but how can I not list it with a name like that? ;)

Edible History: Easy Ancient Celtic, Gallic and Roman Techniques for Leavening Bread Without Modern Commercial Yeast

Aromatherapy Home Course - Aromatherapy & Essential Oils Course with Full Massage Tutorial (Natural Health Remedies)
goes with the aromatherapy book posted yesterday.

Surviving Intimate Terrorism
Domestic abuse-- not really a homesteading topic but may help someone survive!

Currency Lad - The Story of Hamilton Hume and the Explorers
The man who opened up the wilds of Australia's interior to immigrant settlers.

Taking Care of Mom and Dad: A Baby Boomer's Resource Guide
May help someone here to balance their preparations and their current responsibilities.


I Know You Will Find Me
“Graham Simpson is a biology teacher in a school in Coventry, England. He is searching for his son, travelling North through England and Scotland in the aftermath of the Yangtze virus pandemic. Without laws and government, just how long does it take for the British to stop being civilised? Should his sense of responsibility for two lost teenagers he adopts on the way override his desire to find his own family? Graham's will to live against the odds, and his determination to stay good, lead him to unexpected outcomes.”

*I've set up comments to allow anonymous ones; but have set them for moderation, both so I don't miss them, and to keep out spam. If you'd like to comment using the anonymous feature, I would love it if you could choose some nickname or something so I can tell you apart.


  1. Every day I look for your blog to turn from one day to the next to see all the new free books I can choose from. I have downloaded many very informative and enjoyable books. I especially enjoy your selection of fiction books as most of them mirror my own interests. Thank you for providing this forum.

  2. Natalia, Thank you so much for all the work you do on this blog. I benefit nearly every day, either directely or indirecly, and LOVE the free downloads. There are so many books giving information I want and enjoy (crafts; new or practiced, gardening, etc.), need for future use (medical guides, survival info, how-tos, etc) or just find interesting. There is no way I would have found most of these books on my own. You and your time are appreciated!

  3. I'm glad you've set up an Amazon affiliate account. I am loyal to the sources I get my information from. Today's order was placed through your link because it is all for items I need to pursue new interests I found through free books on your blog. :) With all the free books I find through you I can afford to indulge more of my "I wonder if I can do that" interests. Thanks for your hard work.

  4. Hi Natalia,
    I found your free eBook lists through MD's blog and from there this website which I visit daily. I love the service you provide! I decided to subscribe, thinking that I would receive your daily post soon after you create the new list. I live in the U. S. Central Time Zone and am finding your daily email arriving in my inbox between 3 and 5 A.M. the following day. This seems to be the case no matter what time of day you post your update. This has happened pretty consistently since I subscribed. By that time many of the books no longer are free. So I still visit this site to get my information. Something seems amiss with the service scheduling the transmission time of your daily post. I hope you can get your posts to your subscribers to be triggered as you publish your daily updates.

  5. Natalia,
    Since I found your posting I come here every day. I have found some awesome books that I want and need. I did get a Cody Lundin book I was looking for cheaply and since I got it through here, I know I helped you. I will keep in mind any other purchases I need and will go from this page to purchase. Thank you so much for your time involved getting these available to us!
