
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Books (I hope are) Available May 12, 2012

As I wrote in the previous post, Amazon has been having issues today.  First, they were very late releasing the freebies, so they didn't start coming up on the searches until 1:40pm Pacific time, and are still slowly being added.  Second, they aren't listing the books that are usually available to both the US and Canada as being available to Canada, so I can't tell for certain if all of these actually will come up as free for you. Please make sure you check the prices of the books before clicking to get them.

If I find that more come up later, I will do a new list.  In the meantime, here are the ones I've found.

How to Work Leather. Leather Working Techniques with Fun, Easy Projects.

Indoor Garden For Your Home: A No-Fluff Guide To Vertical Gardening And Other Small Garden Ideas

Vegetable Container Gardening: 7 Easy Steps To Healthy Harvests from Small Spaces

How to Build an Emergency Fund For Your Household Finances (More for Less Guides)

Secrets of Trout & Bass Fishing Revealed!


The Rally point: Bugging Home
"When an EMP over the eastern third of the US knocks out the power grid and disables cars near the detonation point, it takes a while for people to realize this is bigger than a normal power outage. But Sue and her family acted right away. Sue was 2,000 miles from their home in Montana. She was on a cross-country bicycle trip with a friend, and immediately headed for home. Her story is told in the book “The Long Ride Home In this book, “Bugging Home”, read about Walter, who readies things and prepares for the kids and grandkids to arrive, while worrying about Sue. The kids had humored their parents by making bug-out plans, and now they put them to action. They make their way to the rally point at the family homestead, arriving by car, truck, horse, motorcycle, bicycle, and on foot. When plans went askew, they relied on back-up plans or quick thinking to keep moving toward their goal: Home!-----Written as a sequel to “The Long Ride Home ”, this is also a stand-alone book."

Story Time
"In the not too distant future a young woman bears witness to the end of her world. Earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions rock the planet, reducing cities to smoking rubble, burying entire islands and coastlines beneath cataclysmic waves. Religious fervor and human evil erupt and entwine, becoming a maelstrom of madness in the days after, bringing with it the horror of apocalyptic war. As a population in the depths of despair struggles to overcome insurmountable odds, can a single glimmer of hope flare into a beacon for the survivors?"

"In the aftermath of (the failure of technology), the fates of (two) college sophomores... entwine... Will they escape and manage to survive in a crippled world?"

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